Meet Sango Priest in Nigeria (Osogbo, Osun State), Sangoshina.

Meet Sango Priest in Nigeria (Osogbo, Osun State), Sangoshina.

(DISPLAYING ORISHA SANGO DRAMATIC SKILLS - click here to watch the dramatic skills).

My name is Sangoshina. I am from Oshogbo in the house of Ajabala. I am the third generation on this job. My grandfather used to turn to Crocodile and Anaconda. I did not learn this work, I inherited it from my father.

(PRAISING HIS FATHER - click here to listen to the praising).

We were born into the practice of Sango In Osogbo, my father is very famous.

(HAILING HIS FATHER - click here to listen).

In my father's lineage, we are Sango followers and magicians. As I am, I didn't learn this tradition, I inherited it. As I said earlier that I am the 3rd generation, meanwhile, our great grandfather had already prophesized that the person to inherit this spirituality is yet to come, he said when he comes, Sango himself would identify him. The day I started this spirituality I had a dream, my grandfather whose name is Eegunfemi Amao, he was the custodian of this spirituality, I had a dream and saw him in the dream. Meanwhile, I hadn't set my eye on him before, In the dream I saw him as he dressed exactly the way I dress right now. He was dancing and singing. He taught me what I needed to know about the spirituality. He told me to go and tell my father about where the power were kept.

When I woke up, I went to my father, I explained to him, he broke down in tears immediately. He confirmed that the dream I had was true. Where I told my father I was told in the dream was where we saw all the spirituality materials. Nobody taught me anything in this spirituality. As you're seeing this cloth, 3 generations have used it. This is Sango's calabash, I am the 3rd generation with this cloth. I have taken this spirituality to many places in Nigeria but have not taken it to abroad. Then I believe I'd take it to abroad. I performed in front of Late President Yar'dua during his regime at Eagle's Square in Abuja in the year 2010. It was Olorunda Local Government in Osogbo that sponsored me there, three of us were allowed to perform in front Late President Yar'dua. When I started my performance, Late Yar'dua gave me a standing ovation when he saw what he had never seen before in Abuja Carnival.

I also represented Osun State Cultural Troop during their culture week. I took the first position. I have the certificate, during Governor Oyinlola's regime. I took the first position there. All Osun State traditionalists came to the Stadium on that day, among the three of us that were chosen, I was the number one. The three of us went further to go for another competition at Ada, I was the first in position. During my performance people could not recognize me again. A white man ended up given me a name - Dangerous Boy.

Some slices of Pounded Yam were pounded on my chest, This is the reason why the white man called me a Dangerous Boy I am equally a notable Traditionalist in Osogbo. When you hear Sangosina Cultural Troop, I am the founder and it's one and only. As you can see beside me – Bata, this is how it should be, Sango was Bata's friend; they are not enemies...they are friends.

There is a story behind how Bata became Sango's friend, there was an initial Sango's favorite drum that he used to dance to, the name of the drum is "Kanangun." There was a time Sango started his festival, Kanangun was told to offer sacrifice ahead of Sango's festival in order to be glorified on the day of the festival. He refused to do so as he said he knew it all.

So, on the day of the festival, Meanwhile he didn't offer the sacrifice he was told to do. So, Kanangun was told to call our Sango with his drum, behold, Sango refused to come out for the festival, meanwhile, other drums were told to offer sacrifice which they did except Kanangun as he boasted that he knew all Sango's keys. When Kanangun could not call out Sango, Sango's disciples were worried about the shame ahead of Sango on his festival, they ran to Bata to call him to come and beat the drum for Sango, as Bata called on Sango with his drum, he came out at once. Since that time Bata has been Sango's friend, Sango dances to only Bata, this is why Bata became Sango's friend up till today. As you can see what I'm holding, it's called Ose Sango, it is Sango's power - he was human, he was human, he turned himself to Sango's assistant because of the help Sango rendered him. Wherever Sango pointed it at strikes fire, this is why it's called Ose - he was a human being. As you can see this Ose, it's a human head image. When Sango is so upset, he puts his Ose to the right hand, then he would put Sere to the left hand, But when he returns Sere to the right hand and shaking it, it means he is happy and praying.

Praying: Those of you watching me right now, you won't lose any of your children to death. Your wife won't die. You will be successful. Mercy of God would always locate you. As you are watching me, you won't go blind. You won't be cripple. So shall it be.

(SANGO SPIRITUAL DRAMATIC DISPLAY - click here to watch the dramatic display).

As I said earlier that Bata is a friend to Sango, the drum my Bata friend beat for me almost got me into trance. It is very important for him to beat the drum for me because he knew so much about my body language. He awakened the power in me with the drum that is why I returned the Ose to the right hand.

(SINGING - click here to listen to the song).

The Sango paths one knew about him is what would inform how he would be appeased. Sango is based on truthfulness, this is why everything I do works for me. Sango is for truthfulness, this is why when Sango is sent to an innocent person, Sango won't do anything to such a person, but if you are a liar, Sango would kill the person. Sango loves the truth, Sango doesn't follow liars and betrayals. When Sango is upset seriously, Oya usually appeases him.

Who is Oya?

Oya has a name, Sango gave the name Oya to her. Ogun is my friend. Ogun was Oya's husband, Oya had a birth name.

What's Oya's name?

Yansa was Oya's birth name.

What is the meaning of Oya?

It has meaning and reason why Oya is called Oya, as given to her by Sango, not Ogun. Whenever Sango celebrates his festival... Oya was a beautiful woman and also Sango. There used to be some entertaining competition during Sango's festival. Oya was on her way going somewhere on that day, she branched the festival scene where competition was going on, Sango was bravely on his seat so when the competition was ongoing, Oya branched the scene, there was a free dancing competition for everybody, so Oya joined them, so one of Sango's disciples suggested to him to marry Oya, that lead to how Sango snatched Oya from Ogun, he intended to marry Oya because she knew how to dance which would be useful during his festivals.

The meaning of "Oya" is the person that branched during Sango's festivals, her original name was Yansa.

Sango didn't snatch Oya from Ogun intentionally; He didn't know she was Ogun's wife, but Esu was the one who caused disagreement between them - Sango and Ogun, where I'm sitting right now had a meaning, this is where Sango always sit because it is an authority, this job that I do, anywhere you want us to go, we are ready to perform there. If you invite me to the overseas countries to perform I am ready, my performance would wow you, this is just a little among my performing skills. I'd put fire into my mouth, I have done it several times. I would put fire on my chest, live, I have power If you reach out to me, you won't regret it, wherever you invite me, I'd be there. Come and try Olodumare's power through me, this is my lineage spirituality, I can't fail in it. Yes! So shall it be. Thank you very much.

Who is Sango?

Ehhh... Sango... He was a brave man; Sango was a king In Oyo, this is why he is called "Oba Koso." He was a king in the old Oyo Empire, Sango and Gbanka, he was among the disciples of Sango. Including Timi Olofa Ina, but because Sango was a powerful person, because he was using his power to rule Oyo, this was the reason why he was a feared man at that time, whenever the activities of the town were perfected, coming to Sango used to be a problem to the people of Oyo. Because whenever Sango speaks, fire comes out from his mouth, as a result of the power given to him by Olodumare. If you go to Oyo town today, you will find plenty Sango Priests there. Yes, my family lineage are Sango worshippers, that is it about Sango, I just shared what is allowed to share.

How did Sango transformed into an Orisha?

Thank you, there are two Sangos, the first Sango was among the Orishas that came down from heaven to the earth, Sango was a powerful Orisha as he used to spit out fire, God gave him authority among other Orishas, at the end, he returned back to Olodumare. So, when the second Sango was given birth to, Edun Ara - Thunder's Stone was found in his hand, this got everybody surprised as it was a sign, so people concluded that Sango returned back to us. Meanwhile, he had all the attribute of the initial Sango, his elder brother was on the throne as a king before but he didn't have the power to control the town, He impeached his brother to become the king as the town almost got into problem. Sango was a powerful warlord at the warfront this is why we always remember him for appeasement, he was a truthful person.

This is why Sango is always consulted whenever something is missing, Sango is always transparent and trustworthy, this is why Sango is always appeased.

What are the Appeasement Materials for Orisha Sango?

Ah! There are so many things in use for Sango's appeasement Firstly:

  1. Orogbo - Bitter Kola
  2. Gin
  3. White Ram
  4. Cock
  5. Amala and Gbegiri

Those are his appeasement materials in part - We the drummers usually eat Amala and Gbegiri, these two things in my hands are the identifications for Orisha Sango - Ose and Sere, then red cloth. The red cloth signifies special and one of a kind. Whoever wears the color of the cloth that I put on and the hair style on my head, the person is a Sango Priest.

Can one have Orisha Sango at home to pray with?

Ah! Sango is the best to worship as I said earlier, he doesn't lie nor betray. He is the most truthful. As a Sango Priest, you must not lie, you must not be tricky, you must not destroy your fellow human, you must not be wicked, you must be straight forward always. If you do otherwise, he is going to kill you, this is the reason why Sango Priests must not be betrayals.

As you are looking at me, with what I have on me, I don't gossip people or betray people In my family lineage, were are custodians of Orisha Sango and I have been warned on this job, so I follow the warnings up till today, which is never to betray Sango, which is the source of the reason why he always listen to me. Whenever I'm performing on stage, I turned to something else. I know what I see with my eyes, my ancestors usually appear to me to tell me what to do. Sango is the best Orisha to worship, it's good to worship Sango, he is the best. A lot of people don't know I am. But not saying he should be seen as God, but he is among the messengers of God from heaven to come and make this earth a better place. The only women among them is Osun who was among Sango's wife. Yes to what I said.

She is the Oba. She is the Oya. She was among Sango's wives. This is why you see some white beads among Sango's beads, as you can see in my wrist, this is Sango (Red) and this is Osun (White). Osun was among Sango's wives like Oya, Sango is the owner of Sere. Oya was the one who used to calm Sango down whenever he's angry Sango loved Oya more than the rest of his wives, yes, Oya understands Sango.

Is it true that Orishas are disruptive?

Ahhh... Orishas don't harm people except those who misbehave - they pay for their actions.

If you don't betray Orishas, they can't betray you, such as Sango. Sango is holy. Take for instance, when something gets lost, people would say let us consult Sango, when Sango is dealing with the thief, he would put what the person stole on his or her chest after he might have dealt with the person. Sango is a good Orisha to worship. It's good to have Sango at home, he is a protector If you are not brave enough, you can't meet Sango on the road, Yes.

Nobody can stand Sango's power. I am very sure, if you have noticed, Sango's dance is very tough. A calm person can't be a Sango priest. Only strong persons can be Sango priests. When you are in Sango's costume, you are not more a human, you will become a spirit. Yes.

If you later ask me about what I'm saying right now, I may not remember again, because I’m currently in trance.

How to know when to offer a sacrifice to Sango?

Thank you. People don't take some things serious, which they do to hurt themselves. It is very important to discover ourselves, some people are Sango's children, which such a person doesn't know. Then Sango would begin to appear to such a person in his dream calling him to worship him, Sango would be protecting such a person from evil, such a person must always appease Sango as his child, after the appeasement, everything would begin to work for him.

Can someone initiate Sango?

Ahhh, yes! One can initiate Sango. Yes. Then the worshippers carry out festivals for him. When you do initiation of Sango, you must celebrate him as well. Whoever is interested can come to see me, this is my lineage job.

What benefits can one derive from Sango?

Ahhh... There are many benefits. When there is a fight somewhere and you are passing bye, when they see you are a Sango Priest, you will be respected, even though the person is a young boy, he would be allowed to go. He's very good. There are so many benefits as long as you are truthful. I am benefiting from him. Let me use myself as an example, there was a time I was sitting somewhere, I began to see different people bowing down to me, I felt so surprised that day, as people were bowing for me, I therefore remembered what father told me, he said, it is because of my truthfulness, as I serve Sango is the reason why they are honoring me because they see me as a powerful person. Only empty barrels make noise. I want you to come and test Sango through me and see what Olodumare would do. Yes. As it is working for me, it would work for you also. As you are watching me, so shall it be, I won't fail.

How can one identify Sango's shrine?

Thank you, I had already said this earlier, you will see Odo Sango's calabash, like this one, I said it earlier that this is the 3rd generation that have used this calabash. This is Sango's Calabash, three generations have used it, I don't just bring it out, I have done some sacrifices before bringing it out. If not, the video recording wouldn't have worked. Yes! I have tested it severally, I went to perform in Iwo In Osun State, my Sango's Calabash told me to take him along to where I was going, so I carried it along with me. I never knew that the place is a Sango home in Iwo. As I brought out the Calabash, some women began to come out dancing round the Calabash. They didn't want me to leave on that faithful day. They asked me where I got the Calabash from because they couldn't find their own anymore, I didn't know where they came out from, as old as they were, Sango's Calabash brought them because they are Sango followers, Sango brought them out. I'm the 3rd generation using it, then I'd pass it on to the next generation as well.

Why is it that some people do say Sango worshippers would go to hell?

Who has been to heaven before? It's a mere saying. Nobody has ever being to heaven before. Olodumare can't do bad, he does good things, as confirmed in the Abrahamic Religion faith which is the same with what Sango said. Sango was a messenger, they are all telling lies, it's a fallacy. We are thanking Sango for his kindness because he didn't allow the invasion to wipe away our generation. We do remember what Sango did for us, you can't enter any hell fire as a Sango follower, there's nothing like that. They can't compare themselves with Sango, as long as you have a clean heart, don't do evil in his name, if you do that, you are going to see the repercussion.

Prayers: Everything would always work for you. You won't go blind as you are watching me. You won't become crippled. Your belongings won't get destroyed. As Sango is supporting, you are going to be supported as well. Your children would be successful. You are going to be favored by Olodumare. So shall it be.

So far you use sponge and soap to bath, everything I have said would come to pass on you. So far you use water to bath, everything I have said would come to pass on you. As you drink water, this is going to come to pass for good. When water drop on the floor, it spreads, so shall it be for you. As you put your foot on the ground to walk, everything I said would come to pass.

(INCANTATIONS - click here to listen to the incantations).

So shall it be. Once again, my name is Sangoshina. My troop name is Sangoshina Cultural Troop.

Thank you very much.



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